Vom Himmel Hoch, Da Komm' Ich Her (Trad./Bach, arr. Wallace & Miller) - Bb/C Version - AMEB Brass Grade 1
Piano Accompaniment Recordings
Want to play with greater confidence and give a performance you're proud of?
Take the guesswork out of learning to play 'Vom Himmel Hoch, Da Komm' Ich Her' (Trad./Bach, arr. Wallace & Miller) (from the AMEB Brass Grade 1 & 2 book - Bb & C instrument versions) with these high-quality piano accompaniment recordings, performed by professional Australian accompanist Peta Muir.
Go at your own pace with our slowed-down tracks and work up to performance speed when you're ready.
Who knew? Learning to play with the accompaniment doesn't have to be hard after all!
Want multiple pieces from the same grade? Get the FULL ALBUM HERE.
Sheet music source: AMEB Brass 1st & 2nd Grade Book - Bb & C instrument versions (Series 1).